Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Camera Disclamera

I didn't realize how challenging it'd be to post when I don't have a digital camera. How is it possible to not have a digital camera you ask? Well, I'm in the middle of shopping for a new one, my old one went kaputz. I'm going to scale back my daily commitment post until I have it. I'm also going to be out of town for four days for a wedding which could be considered by some as one four day performance piece. In fact, that's exactly what I'm going to consider it.

1 comment:

Artiste Celebre said...

Jane, I love the idea of managing weddings as performance. How nifty would it be if the bride, groom, minister and all on stage prepared operatic arias to tell the story?

Your camera disclaimera could in fact be considered a camera obscura since to obscure means to hide, or stretching it a little in search engine fashion, loose (hide and seek seek and find, antonym of loose). How terribly Vermeerish of you.